Boosting Productivity: Salesforce CRM Tips for End Users

In the fast-paced business world, maximizing productivity is of the utmost importance. Salesforce CRM, a leading customer relationship management platform, offers a wealth of tools and features that empower end users to streamline processes, enhance customer interactions, and drive results. Let’s explore some valuable Salesforce CRM productivity tips that can help end users harness the platform’s full potential.

Salesforce CRM Tips for End Users
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Hubspot Integration Guide – Using Hubspot API to Integrate

What is Hubspot?

HubSpot is an all-in-one business automation tool that helps an Organization to attract clients, convert them into a lead and close the deal effectively bringing the best results for a business. It has been described as unique because it strives to provide its customers with an all-in-one approach.

Hubspot Integration Guide  Using Hubspot API to Integrate
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Salesforce Custom Metadata Types for ISV apps Custom Metadata Types are around for over 2 years. If you are a ISV and still not using Custom Metadata Types in your apps – you must consider the same.

What are Custom Metadata Types? Custom Metadata Types are similar to custom settings (sometimes confused with them) – but they store the custom metadata instead of data. The advantage is that you can deploy them to production from a sandbox using change sets or as an ISV you can package them with your product.

Salesforce Custom Metadata Types

[Read more…] launches – Salesforce Einstein – Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the Cloud has unveiled its offering in Artificial Intelligence (AI) space – Salesforce Einstein. With Einstein – Salesforce adds remarkable AI features to its flagship products – Sales Cloud, Service Cloud and Marketing Cloud. The best part is Salesforce Einstein can be used by anyone in the organization as platform is customizable using both code or clicks.

In a world of interconnected things  – PCs, Mobiles, cars, refrigerators, aircraft engines – offered Internet of Things (IoT) Cloud in last year’s Dreamforce. With IoT resulting in vast amount of data – Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the natural extension of Salesforce platform. [Read more…] Enhancements in Summer 16 Release

The release date of Summer 16 Release is just few weeks away. In this post we are discussing about the key Enhancements in Summer 16 Release. This is first article of the series in which we will be highlighting the enhancements coming up in Summer’16 in

Enhancements to Customization

Lightning App Builder

  • With Lightning App Builder we can create and edit the Lightning Experience Pages. The administrators can add components while detail page can be added based on a standard page layout.
  • One of the most awaited enhancement is that we can now customize the default home page and assign the custom pages to different profiles.

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How to prepare release notes for your Appexchange app?

Release notes for appexchange appsIf you are a ISV vendor and have an app listed on Appexchange – the app marketplace – you may be coming up with the new releases few times in a year. Are you maintaining release notes of the application properly? In the post we will be discussing the advantages of having the good release notes and how to prepare them.

Release notes for an Appexchange app may not be very different from any other app – however our focus is more on apps. We have seen many of the appexchange apps never maintaining the release notes properly. Their customers find it tough to figure out what is available in which release. Unfortunately Appexchange listing does not gives a provision to add release note. this leaves vendors to publish release notes elsewhere.

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Odd Even Assignment of Records in using Workflow Rules

Odd Even Assignment in using WorkflowsHave you encountered the requirement where you want to assign all Even numbered records to one person and all Odd records to another? Here is a simple solution using the workflow rules that can help. You can use this on custom objects or even on objects that do not have Assignment rules. The requirement can also mean assigning the alternate records to two persons. This is similar to Round Robin assignment to two persons using workflow rules.

Lets define the requirement as:

Assign all records of an object that are of even number to “Joe” and odd number records to “Mary”. The odd or even number can come from a custom field “Record Number”.

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What to consider before submitting your app for Security Review Security Review PassedThis article is for you if you are a new ISV vendor or you are new to Security Review process. If you are planning to submit your app for security review – here are few items that you must consider before submitting your app. Security Review is the process of assessing your application’s security before it is listed on Appexchange. Appexchange is prestigious Business to Business marketplace of where over 2000 apps are listed. Security review is done by Security review team. Think of security review as an additional benefit – with your app getting certified for Appexchange. Security review helps companies sell to enterprises by meeting their expectations of security. [Read more…]

25 Habits of Great Developers

Habits of Great DevelopersWant to become a “Great” Developer? One does not become a successful App developer just by training or mere experience. Many of our clients for whom we are developing the Appexchange Apps ask – “We want a Great Developer”. What makes a developer great? and other developer not so great. From our experience of over 100 person years of development we realized that to be successful or a great developer you have to learn from the best practices – and developers are no exception.

There are some best practice habits that we have seen in all successful developers. In this post we will be listing these habits that make a developer – “Great” developer.

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Seven Reasons to Migrate Your App to Platform

Why move your legacy application to / AppexchangeIf you are an application vendor and you already have an app on legacy technologies and you are looking forward to migrate you app to (or platform – here are 7 reasons that can help you make your decision faster. [Read more…]

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