CTI Integration of Zoho CRM with Elastix

If your company is planning to use Zoho CRM for Call Center you can consider the Computer Telephony Integration (CTI) with Zoho CRM. In this post we are discussing a case of Zoho CRM CTI integration with Elastix Server and Synway Gateway.

CTI is desktop based functionality that helps the users to interact with customers more efficiently by integrating telephony with software. Zoho phonebridge in Zoho CRM is used to integrate telephones with computer.

Essentials to integrate CTI with Zoho CRM

  • To integrate zoho crm with telephony system there are some requirements
    • IP PBX (Internet Protocol Private Branch Exchange): IP PBX is a telephone system within the company used to switch calls between the company users with unique extensions. In our example we have used “Elastix Server”
    • VOIP (Voice Over Internet Protocol) Gateway: VOIP is to enable voice communication through internet protocol (IP) between two endpoints. In our example we have used “Synway Gateway”
    • Router
    • Telephone lines

Step by step Procedure to Set Up CTI for Zoho CRM

In this post we are giving setup instructions for Elastix server and Synway VOIP Gateway.

  • First download and extract the file ZohoCRM_CTI_Adapter_1_1_for_Elastix1_6.This file can be downloaded by logging in to zoho crm org.
  • Now open zoho/ztiadapter/conf/zti.properties file and enter you org’s phonebridge Token if already generated and save the file .Otherwise generate a new phonebridge Token
    • i.e authtoken = your org’s phonebridge
  • Now open zoho/ztiadapter/teleadapters/elastix16/conf/elastix16.properties and enter your elastix server ip address,elastix username and password and save the file.
    • Asterisk.server = your elastix server ip address.
    • Asterisk.manager.username = your elastix server username.
    • Asterisk.manager.password = your elastix server password
  • Now run the file named run.sh on the elastix server then you will see “appending output to …”

This is all about settings from zoho side. Now let us see the schematic diagram of the connection between router, voip gateway, elastix server, and telephone line.

CTI Integration ZOHO CRM


Important things to remember

  • To Access and run files on elastix server use putty terminal emulator.
  • Elastix server,Voip Gateway and computers/Desktops should be connected to a common router/network
  • Extension configuration is separately done on the elastix server which provides a unique extension for each softphone or telephone line.Every computer/Desktop should have a softphone configured with an extension
  • To connect elastix and voip gateway some settings as per the requirement to be done in voip gateway
About Prudhvi Perumalla

Prudhvi Perumalla is a CRM developer with Dhruvsoft. His core areas of interest includes Salesforce.com and Zoho CRM. He lives in Hyderabad, India and loves to - play cricket, listen to Indian music and read historical books.

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