Webinar on Migration from QuickBooks to Oracle NetSuite

Join us for a webinar on Migrating from QuickBooks to Oracle NetSuite. Topic: Making the Switch – From QuickBooks to NetSuiteDate & Time: 22 September 2022 – 3:00 PM to 4:00 Pm As companies grow and accounting becomes more … [Read more...]

Webinar on Why your Sales Team Needs CRM?

Facing Sales Challenges? Are you looking for ways to improve your sales team? Then a CRM (Customer Relationship Management) solution is something that you need. CRM softwares are designed to help organizations improve their sales processes, they make … [Read more...]

What’s new in Salesforce.com Summer’16?

Join us for the Webinar “What’s new in Salesforce.com Summer'16?” to learn about the coolest Summer ’16 enhancements in Salesforce.com CRM Sales Cloud, Service Cloud & Force.com. The webinar series will provide updates on Salesforce.com … [Read more...]

What’s new in Salesforce.com Spring’16?

We conducting Webinar on “What’s new in Salesforce.com Spring'16?” to learn about the newest Spring ’16 enhancements in Salesforce.com CRM Sales Cloud, Service Cloud & Force.com. In this webinar series we will provide updates on Salesforce.com … [Read more...]

What’s new in Salesforce.com Spring’15

Join us for the Webinar “What’s new in Salesforce.com Spring'15?” to learn about the newest Spring ’15 enhancements in Salesforce.com CRM Sales Cloud, Service Cloud & Force.com. The webinar series will provide updates on Salesforce.com Spring’15 … [Read more...]

Salesforce.com CRM Sales Cloud Webinar

The Salesforce.com CRM Sales Cloud Webinars are led by a senior Salesforce.com CRM certified consultant and solutions architect. Each session is divided into three sections starting with an overview of the functionality, followed by architecture of … [Read more...]

Salesforce.com CRM Service Cloud Webinar

The Salesforce.com CRM Service Cloud Webinars are led by a senior Salesforce.com CRM certified consultant and solutions architect. Each session is divided into three sections starting with an overview of the functionality, followed by … [Read more...]

Salesforce.com CRM for CIOs and IT Managers Webinar

The Salesforce.com CRM for CIOs and IT Managers webinar is targeted to Chief Information Officers and IT  / IS Managers in organizations that are considering implementing salesforce.com CRM in their organization. The Salesforce.com CRM for CIOs and … [Read more...]

What’s new in Salesforce.com Spring’14 – Service Cloud

Join us for the Webinar “What’s new in Salesforce.com Spring’14 – Service Cloud?” to learn about the newest Spring ’14 enhancements in Salesforce.com CRM Service Cloud. The webinar series will provide updates on Salesforce.com Spring’14 … [Read more...]

What’s new in Salesforce.com Spring’14 – Sales Cloud

Join us for the Webinar “What’s new in Salesforce.com Spring'14 - Sales Cloud?” to learn about the newest Spring ’14 enhancements in Salesforce.com CRM Sales Cloud. The webinar series will provide updates on Salesforce.com Spring'14 for the Sales … [Read more...]